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Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct is based on the values of Südzucker Group. The purpose is to ensure that everyone within the CropEnergies Group will live and act in accordance with these values and principles. The code is designed to give a broad and clear understanding of the conduct expected from all our employees everywhere we do business.

Code of conduct Suedzucker Group Download (PDF, 511 KB)
Code of conduct Supplier Download (PDF, 349 KB)

Whistleblowing system of the CropEnergies Group

Reporting compliance issues

Employees, business partners (customers, suppliers, service providers) or other third parties may become aware of processes or transactions that do not comply with these rules. By providing a whistleblowing system, we offer the opportunity to report (potential) violations of, e.g. our Code of Conduct, competition and antitrust law, corruption and bribery, money laundering, tax fraud, human rights and environmental risks or violations of internal company guidelines. This enables us to identify risks at an early stage and to react to them in an appropriate and targeted manner.

Information about (potential) violations can be provided directly to the relevant contact person within the company, i.e. to a supervisor, to the works council, to the locally responsible compliance delegate of the CropEnergies subsidiaries or to the Compliance Officer of CropEnergies AG.

However, if there are concerns or if raising concerns in person should not be possible, serious incidents can be reported – optionally also anonymously – via our confidential Compliance Line.

  • The Compliance Line is a certified electronic communication platform that can be used to send information directly to the Compliance Officer of CropEnergies AG.

  • Data and information in the Compliance Lines are encrypted and can only be accessed by authorised persons within the CropEnergies Group.

  • Please note that the Compliance Lines are not intended for customer enquiries about products or services. Please use our general contact form for this.

  • Please find an overview of the existing Compliance Lines within the CropEnergies Group in the following.

  • The recipients of reports made via a compliance line are named in the respective link.

Please use our whistleblowing system responsibly. It should not be misused to defame others or make false claims! In the event that a whistleblower willfully or negligently makes untruthful or inaccurate statements, CropEnergies will not provide protection against reprisals and reserves the right to initiate disciplinary and/or criminal/civil proceedings.


CropEnergies Group/CropEnergies AG:


Internal reporting is often the best way to get information to the people who can investigate and stop the violation as quickly as possible.

If the violation has not been effectively addressed internally, if there is a risk of reprisals, or if an internally reported violation could not be remedied, the whistleblower has the option of reporting it through an external reporting channel. The whistleblower can find out more about the external reporting offices in individual countries (Germany, Austria, Denmark, France, Spain, Sweden, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ireland, Latvia and Portugal) and the European Union at Information on the external reporting offices in Belgium can be found at

Policy on Data Protection

Maintaining data protection is the basis for trustful business relationships. This Data Protection Guideline is the binding basis for legally compliant and sustainable protection of personal data at Ensus UK Ltd.

Ensus data protection policy Download (PDF, 276 KB)

Statement on slavery and human trafficking

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) and sets out the steps Ensus has taken during the financial year 2021/22 to ensure modern slavery and human Trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

Statement of slavery and human trafficking Download (PDF, 207 KB)

Ensus UK Ltd Tax Strategy

This UK Tax Strategy statement applies to all UK legal entities of Südzucker Group.

Ensus UK Ltd Tax Strategy Download (PDF, 88 KB)

Do you have any questions or comments? Contact

Ensus UK Ltd
Phone: +44 1642 513250
Fax: +44 1642 513552

Contact form


Ensus UK Ltd
Wilton Site
TS10 4RG