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Ensus DDGS

High quality protein feed


Protein feed for livestock and pets

Ensus manufactures the high-grade animal feed from stillage gained during the production of ethanol from starchy grain. Stillage has been fed to animals for centuries. In liquid form, however, it is very limited in the region. If it is dried, a storable product is obtained known as DDGS (Distillers' Dried Grains with Solubles). Due to its high protein and fat content and its advantageous energy content, DDGS is a high-grade feedstuff for all types of livestock as well as for pets. It mainly replaces soy and rapeseed meal extract in feed rations.  

DDGS Feeding

Ensus markets the DDGS in the UK but also in other countries all over Europe. Our customer portfolio includes all well-known manufacturers of high-quality animal feeds. There is a strong demand for this protein feed, which is used as an ingredient in compound feeds or can be fed directly. Ensus DDGS stands out for its good digestibility, balanced protein/energy ratio and excellent palatability.

Ensus DDGS can be used in a variety of ways in the feeding of livestock:
It is used for feeding cattle, or in the rations for growing-finishing pigs where it proportionally replaces soy meal extract. DDGS is also a popular component in poultry feeds and pet foods.

The following proportions may be used as a guide to the maximum amounts in the rations for the different types of livestock:

Type of livestock up to max. % DDGS
Dairy cow 20
Growing cattle 15
Beef cattle 20
Growing-finishing pig 10 - 15
Sow, gestating 4
Sow, lactating 8
Broiler 5
Laying hen 15
Chicken layer, extensive 20



Ensus DDGS is an innovative and high-quality product. In order to meet the high customer requirements and to always provide a reliable product, we have established a powerful quality management system.

We are certified under UFAS (the United Feed Assurance Scheme) and are therefore an approved supplier in the Feed Material Assurance System (FEMAS) of the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC). Under the mutual recognition arrangements between the various systems Ensus is also an approved supplier in the largest European quality programs like the German system of QS Qualität und Sicherheit GmbH or the dutch GMP+ system.

Data sheet DDGS Status: 2025 Download (PDF, 629 KB)
Do you have any questions or comments? Contact

Ensus UK Ltd
Phone: +44 1642 513250
Fax: +44 1642 513552

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Ensus UK Ltd
Wilton Site
TS10 4RG